Easy 4 Step Time Management System to Beat Overwhelm

mindset Nov 12, 2019
Easy 4 Step Time Management System to Beat Overwhelm

Worrying about the future creates overwhelm. As does not getting your stuff done on time.

Feeling overwhelmed is normal. But not doing anything about it keeps you stuck there and puts you at risk for burning out.

Getting stuff done with an easy time management system

Often we operate from a place of lack and stress. Lack of time. Stressed out about all of the things we have to get done. And the thing is- there is no lack of time. When you know how to manage your time better, you’ll start to be able to see how long things actually take to get done. And then you’ll be able to schedule the time to do them!

Easy 4 Step Time Management System to Beat Overwhelm: The Results

It’s easy for me to look back and see what student I had and when. Even when I was teaching full time, this calendar told me when I had seen the student, when they were absent, and when I had another meeting. I kept my lesson plans in here just like I keep meeting agendas in there now.

Kassy's google calendar

The calendar’s I keep include:

  • Personal calendar (for my own errands and personal tasks that my husband doesn’t need to keep track of).

  • Family calendar (where my husband and I write down where we’ll be after work hours, doctor appointments, kids’ parties, family gatherings, etc…)

  • Work tasks (where I write down all of my to-do tasks for the week)

  • Meetings (this one syncs with another calendar system and our admin’s so they know when I’m really not available)

  • Allied Independence Calendar (we all have access to this calendar so that we can keep track of what’s happening with Allied).

And then I sync various calendars from the professional development courses I’m in and tasks for each project we are working on. Hey! Podcasts and Blogs has it’s set of tasks in the calendar as well! Look at that!

Using the system I talk about on the podcast, you’ll be able to plan for all of your activities and even throw away your To-Do list!

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